Kind, respectful care - while promoting dignity and independence

I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to Macadamia Care in White River, Mpumalanga

I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to Macadamia Care in White River, Mpumalanga


I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to you Sister Kathy, Sister Daleen, Sister Khoze and all the other carers involved with the day-to-day care of my dad. I know that during the time he was with you, although he was at times confused and always looking or asking for my mom, he was as happy as he could be and he was well looked after.

Thank you for all the extras you helped with, especially enabling me to video call him daily.  These calls were a huge comfort to me and to him.  To be able to see him, even when he was struggling to get the words formed and for him to see me, I know were a great help.  The times my children and grandchildren were with me and able to speak to their Popa are moments we all cherish.  To see his eyes light up and that smile…

I cannot explain to you the heartbreak of being on the other side of the world and due to this awful world-wide pandemic, not able to travel to my darling dad.  First the heartbreak of losing my mom and then watching from afar as Dad faded before my eyes.

Thank you for the love you gave him when I couldn’t and for the wonderful care you gave – helping him to live his life in a dignified a manner as possible.  He was such a proud man with much love and pride in his family.

I was very close to my amazing parents and now having lost them both in just over a year and even worse, not being with them, I feel a huge hole in my life.  My only consolation is knowing they are together again and will be looking down on us all.

Thank you once again. You have my utmost respect and appreciation.

My fondest love and deepest gratitude
Sharon and Nigel (Dickinson)
New Zealand


Suster Kathy, Suster Daleen, Suster Khoze en al die ander versorgers wat betrokke was by die dag-tot-dag versorging van my pa, ek wil julle opreg bedank. Ek weet dat gedurende die tyd wat hy by julle was, hoewel hy soms verward was en altyd na my ma gesoek of vir haar gevra het, was hy so gelukkig as wat hy kon wees en hy was goed versorg.

Dankie vir al die ekstras waarmee julle gehelp het, veral om my in staat te stel om hom daagliks te bel.  Hierdie oproepe was vir my en hom ‘ n groot vertroosting.  Om hom te kan sien, selfs toe hy gesukkel het om die woorde gevorm te kry en vir hom om my te sien, weet ek was ‘n groot hulp.  Die tye wat my kinders en kleinkinders by my was en met hul Popa kon praat, is oomblikke wat ons almal koester.  Om sy oë te sien ophelder en daardie glimlag…

Ek kan nie vir julle die hartseer verduidelik om aan die ander kant van die wêreld te wees en as gevolg van hierdie verskriklike wêreldwye pandemie, kon ek nie na my liefste pa reis nie.  Eers die hartseer om my ma te verloor en dan van ver af te kyk terwyl my pa voor my oë wegkwyn.

Dankie vir die liefde wat julle hom gegee het toe ek nie kon nie, en vir die wonderlike sorg wat hom gehelp het om sy lewe op ‘n waardige manier as moontlik te leef.  Hy was so ‘n trotse man met baie liefde en trots vir sy familie.

Ek was baie na aan my wonderlike ouers. Om hulle so naby aanmekaar (in een jaar) te verloor en nog erger, om nie by hulle te wees nie, het ‘n groot leemte in my lewe gelos.  My enigste troos is om te weet dat hulle weer bymekaar is en op ons almal sal neerkyk.

Nogmaals dankie. Julle het my grootste respek en waardering.
My liefste liefde en diepste dankbaarheid

Sharon en Nigel

The White River Macadamia Care has reason to boast. Not only is this where the dream of a loving environment with personal, professional frail care found its roots, but it also houses the longest occupying resident in the group. These residents of the White River Macadamia Care are testament to the success and loving nurturing the elderly can expect to receive here. Macadamia Care White River, is situated conveniently in the suburbs of this historical town with easy access to shopping and other points of interest. Macadamia White River – rest assured. To read more about us in White River, click here.


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